I’m not going to quote any of Mr. Root’s words or make any comment other than it is a great read and plan to save our country.. Please go read it.
Another Blogger who strongly believes that Sarah Palin should be our next President after the 2012 elections.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Non-State of the Union
I am going to bite the bullet and watch the anointed one Wednesday night. I will try my best to count how many times 0bambi says the following words and phrases.
"let me be clear"
"make no mistake"
"back from the brink"
"signs of recovery"
"Jobs Saved"
"Jobs Created"
"Shovel Ready"
"restored our reputation"
"Unprecedented" and "Unexpected".
"fiscal restraint"
"greed on Wall Street"
"affordable health care"
"relief for working families"
"job creation"
"inherited" as in "I inherited this mess"
Will he even say the following?
"Founding Fathers"
"Individual liberty"
I don’t have my hopes up for the last three!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I would never support a Gay site. Hillbuzz is an exception. They have come under full attack from the Libtards at Huffpo Du and Kos. What did they do wrong in the Libtards point of view? They supported Hillary in the 2008 Dem primaries and when she withdrew they threw their support behind McCain/Palin. What a horrible, sinful thing to do. How dare they express views that did not praise Candidate Zero.
Now with Zero’s approval numbers in the tank, they continue to attack and slander Hillbuzz. Making personal attacks on the owner of the site and members. It has cost them jobs and they need support. I may not like the life choices they have made, but I strongly support their right to free speech. It would be a good and honorable thing to do if you could drop them a few bucks to help them fight this battle. They are strong supporters of Sarah Palin and so am I, PROUDLY.
Friday, January 22, 2010
John McCain is a traitor to Conservatives
I voted for McCain because Sarah was on the ticket, but this disturbs me greatly. Here is an excerpt from an article by Michelle Malkin that I found at ALIPAC. I am encouraging Sarah Palin and Senator Scott Brown to shy away from John McCain like he has the plague since on so many matters he does have it. That is my rant for the day.
Savor the irony: After a career spent bashing the right flank of the party, Sen. McCain is now clinging to its coattails to save his incumbent hide.
And pay attention to the hidden, more troubling irony: While he runs to the right to protect his seat, McCain’s political machine is working across the country to install liberal and establishment Republicans to secure his legacy.
In Florida, McCain’s Country First Political Action Committee is supporting the Senate bid of fellow illegal alien amnesty supporter and global warming alarmist, GOP Gov. Charlie Crist, whose crucial 2008 primary endorsement rescued McCain from disaster. Grass-roots conservatives support former GOP statehouse leader Marco Rubio – who is hitting Crist hard for lying to voters about his embrace of President Obama’s pork-laden, fraud-ridden stimulus package.
In Colorado, McCain and his meddlers infuriated the state party by anointing former lieutenant governor Jane Norton to challenge endangered Democrat Sen. Michael Bennet. She’s a milquetoast public official who has served on a lot of task forces and GOP clubs – and who happens to be the sister-in-law of big Beltway insider Charlie Black. An estimated 40 percent of her coffers are filled with out-of-state money (and much of that is flowing from the Beltway).
The mini-McCain of Colorado claims to oppose “special interests,” but has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from D.C. lobbyists at McCain’s behest – stifling the candidacy of strong conservative rivals led by grass-roots-supported Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck, an amnesty opponent whose aggressive illegal immigration prosecutions have earned him the rage of the far Left and big business Right. A recent Rasmussen poll showed Buck and another GOP candidate Tom Wiens beating Bennet – despite the huge cash and crony advantage of front-runner and blank-slate Jane.
In California, McCain’s PAC supports former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina – a celebrity name with deep pockets of her own, massive media exposure, and a checkered business record. Fiorina served as the economic adviser to McCain, who supported the $700 billion TARP bailout, the $25 billion auto bailout, a $300 billion mortgage bailout, and the first $85 billion AIG bailout. As GOP rival and grass-roots-supported Chuck DeVore’s camp notes, Fiorina has also vacillated publicly over the Obama stimulus. With taxpayer “friends” like this, who needs Democrats?
With all due respect to McCain’s past noble war service, it’s time to head to the pasture. As the Supreme Court ruled on Thursday, he was wrong on the constitutionality of the free-speech-stifling McCain-Feingold campaign finance regulations. He was wrong to side with the junk-science global warming activists in pushing onerous carbon caps on America. He was on the wrong side of every Chicken Little-driven bailout. He was wrong in opposing enhanced CIA interrogation methods that have saved countless American lives and averted jihadi plots. And he was spectacularly wrong in teaming with the open-borders lobby to push a dangerous illegal alien amnesty.
Tea Party activists are rightly outraged by Sarah Palin’s decision to campaign for McCain, whose entrenched incumbency and progressive views are anathema to the movement. At least she has an excuse: She’s caught between a loyalty rock and a partisan hard place. The conservative base has no such obligations – and it is imperative that they get in the game (as they did in Massachusetts) before it’s too late. The movement to restore limited government in Washington has come too far, against all odds, to succumb to McCain Regression Syndrome now.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Special election in Massachusetts
I hope he wins with a large enough margin to overcome the voter fraud from Acorn and SEIU thugs. The Democrats are desperate to win this election, they will resort to anything to win. If it turns out to be a landslide for Brown. I don't see how they can refuse to seat him immediately and that would give the GOP enough votes to filibuster and stop the Healthcare Bill and And Cap N Trade bill.
Barney Frank is already calling for the elimination of the filibuster rule. They will resort to absolutely anything to stay in power.
Michelle Malkin has a video of a woman in front of one of the polling places this morning, handing out blank absentee ballots and instructing the people how to mark the ballot for the Democrat. Why she was not arrested on the spot I do not know. Oh I know why the Democrat candidate is the Massachusetts Attorney General The deadline for absentee ballots in Massachusetts was last Friday. If someone was doing that and encouraging people to mark the ballot for the Republican. The outrage would be nationwide throughout the media.
So anyway, if you live in Massachusetts, and you are conservative or against bigger government, get your butt to the polls and vote for Scott Brown.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
America Rising, time to take it back
The Democrats are trying to destroy this country each that day goes by is something worse than the day before. But as you can see from this video. Not everyone is falling under the bus. I may end up under the bus, but I will go there kicking and screaming and fighting to the last drop of blood. I found this at the American Power blog. Watch it and then get pissed off enough to do something. Visit one of the links in the sidebar in the blogs for Palin section and find out what you can do.
Second Topic:
While on vacation in Hawaii Rush Limbaugh had chest pains And went to the hospital. The left wing blog loonies went crazy. These are some of the comments from the Daily Kos. fear are a few of the politicians that they claim are members and posters:
President Jimmy Carter, Senator Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. no wonder this country is so screwed up were being led by a bunch of left wing loonies.
"It is nature’s way of telling a—holes like Limbaugh that beers are being thrown back in celebration of that heart attack."
"If he gets well, so be it. If he gets worse, be it paralyzed, comatose, or dead, he’s earned it. I hope he dies and I’m glad he’s sick. All this fat a—hole has done is encourage a whole generation of Americans to be right-wing, bigoted scumbags like him. I’ll never apologize for hating Rush. Or wishing death and illness on him."
"So if Adolf Hitler were to die today would we see a bunch of RIP diaries and ‘our heart should go out to his friends and family?”
Someone on Wikipedia, even modified Rushes' entry to claim that he had died of cardiac arrest, that was quickly deleted.
At the same time someone somewhere claimed that Glenn Beck had been killed in a plane crash. Fortunately either of those incidents happened.
The left wing loonies just go ape shit in their haste to cram their heads up their own asses and make fools of themselves.
I will absolutely lose my patience if I ever hear any left wing loony make any kind of complaint about treated badly. I don't care if it's on Fox News, this blog or any other conservative website. All you lefties out there you can kiss my White Ass.