Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Keep Your Powder Dry!!

I have a great deal of fear of what is going to happen next in our country. With Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats cramming this monstrosity down our throats. It almost seems like the Senate Republicans are caving in and allowing them to pass the subsequent votes needed to get it passed and sent to the House for Conference.  Our only hope is that the 2010 elections give the Republicans a super majority in both the House of Representatives and Senate. If they can get a veto proof majority in both houses they can overturn this monstrosity and get things back where they belong, I like my health insurance, and I don't want anybody screwing with it. Below are just a few of the monstrous things in this bill. 2012, cannot get here soon enough for me, our only hope is that someone like Sarah Palin could be elected in 2012. If she decides to run. I am pretty confident that she can win.

  • Medicare is slashed by $470 billion, including cuts to Medicare home health care services. These are cuts the Congressional Budget Office says will "reduce access to care or diminish the quality of care” for seniors
  • Medicare Advantage is cut $120 billion for seniors
  • Raises taxes by $518 billion, including new taxes on the middle class, new taxes on wheelchairs, pacemakers, heart valves, and other medical devices, and new taxes on individuals and employers who do not retain the type of health care plans that Washington dictates
  • Senate Democrats’ bill creates an Independent Medicare Advisory Board (IMAB) of non-elected government bureaucrats, empowered to cut Medicare providers limited access to care for seniors
  • The bill forces a huge unfunded federal mandate on states to expand Medicaid, with the exception of those states where Democrat senators cut “sweetheart deals” with Obama and Reid for their vote



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