Friday, March 26, 2010

The Coming War???

So ObamaCrap has passed and been signed into law for now. We will see how long it lasts. Constitutional Law will come into the picture from the sidelines. I am sure it will come before the SCOTUS, I am not confident of the outcome. We may end up having to take up arms again. What ever it takes to save our Country must, must be done.

The government has degenerated into a system whereby one man is forced to pay another's bills. No where can I find anything in The Constitution that mandates that Americans must buy anything. The car insurance argument does not fly since you don’t have to own or drive a car.

Such a system, first, is immoral, because it confiscates property by force and denigrates our God-given rights of life and liberty; and, second, is a system that does not work because it corrupts our natural desire to better our condition.

We should call this system by its correct name, Fascism , and condemn it because it inevitably leads to poverty, war, and destruction, and condemn it for us in particular because it is contrary to the hopes, aspirations, and compacts of our Declaration of Independence, Our Bill of Rights and Our Constitution.

In my opinion there are many reasons that the health care law violates our Constitution. One of these is that it controls the labor of physicians, nurses and other practitioners, who rank among our most dedicated citizens, for the benefit of others, controlling the pay they may receive and the treatments and medications they may provide.

I pray for our Country, Paul


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