Friday, August 16, 2013

This is going to be a controversial post

It may get me banned from Facebook, but I don't care it needs to be said. My beloved country is going to hell in a handbasket fast. It is time for 2 to 3,000,000 people American people to march on Washington. The Capitol building and the White House, the leaders of both parties from the House and the Senate need to be frog marched out in the street to face retrobution showing from the gathered people. This has gone on long enough. Our country can't survive very much longer. John Banner must be made to step down and the man behind them. Also, we need to have a tea party person as speaker of the house like RAND Paul or Ted Cruz.
I have served my country faithfully, I shed blood for my country faithfully and I refuse to see it go down into the trash heap of history. This president is doing everything he can to destroy this country and he must be stopped. Our congressional leaders don't have the guts to impeach him and if they keep screwing around they will lose the house in the 2014e election. I have many friends that are still serving in the military and I think people would be surprised that if we started a
march on Washington. Just how many military people would join us. The Capitol police would be overwhelmed, they would not know what to do in fact some of them might even join in, some of the Secret Service might join in because they don't like what's going on either
If I had my choice, Obama and his wife and everyone that works in the White Houses Reid John Banner, all of them would
stand trial and be punished for the treason that they are committing. And it doesn't matter if I get banned from Facebook because I am going to post this on all three of my websites. Anyone is welcome to go there and read it. My main website is My second website is the black hole next My third website is Palin no membership required is read it if you wish to comment e-mail me don't comment on the website, just e-mail me and I'll answer.


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