Thursday, January 7, 2010

America Rising, time to take it back

The Democrats are trying to destroy this country each that day goes by is something worse than the day before. But as you can see from this video. Not everyone is falling under the bus. I may end up under the bus, but I will go there kicking and screaming and fighting to the last drop of blood. I found this at the American Power blog. Watch it and then get pissed off enough to do something. Visit one of the links in the sidebar in the blogs for Palin section and find out what you can do.



Second Topic:

While on vacation in Hawaii Rush Limbaugh had chest pains And went to the hospital. The left wing blog  loonies went crazy. These are some of the comments from the Daily Kos. fear are a few of the politicians that they claim are members and posters:

President Jimmy Carter, Senator Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. no wonder this country is so screwed up were being led by a bunch of left wing loonies. 

"It is nature’s way of telling a—holes like Limbaugh that beers are being thrown back in celebration of that heart attack."

"If he gets well, so be it. If he gets worse, be it paralyzed, comatose, or dead, he’s earned it. I hope he dies and I’m glad he’s sick. All this fat a—hole has done is encourage a whole generation of Americans to be right-wing, bigoted scumbags like him. I’ll never apologize for hating Rush. Or wishing death and illness on him."

"So if Adolf Hitler were to die today would we see a bunch of RIP diaries and ‘our heart should go out to his friends and family?”


Someone on Wikipedia, even modified Rushes' entry to claim that he had died of cardiac arrest, that was quickly deleted.

At the same time someone somewhere claimed that Glenn Beck had been killed in a plane crash. Fortunately either of those incidents happened.
The left wing loonies just go ape shit in their haste to cram their heads up their own asses and make fools of themselves.
I will absolutely lose my patience if I ever hear any left wing loony make any kind of complaint about treated badly. I don't care if it's on Fox News, this blog or any other conservative website. All you lefties out there you can kiss my White Ass.


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