Thursday, August 4, 2011

About the debt ceiling crisis


There is no debt ceiling crisis.  It is all smoke and mirrors.  I'm very disappointed in the speaker of the house and the Republican leadership in the House and in the Senate.  If nothing happens, we will not go and into default because there is no such thing as a debt default in the United States.  The government takes in enough money each month in taxes to pay the interest on the debt, maintain Social Security and Medicare and pay our Armed Forces with money left over. The people of Ohio should immediately start a recall petition to remove the speaker, and then the house should choose the new speaker from the Tea Party elected representatives. Pick someone who has the cajones to stand up to Obama and the Democrats.

Speaking of Obambi, Jimmy Carter has a smile on his face,  the size of Texas because he is no longer the worst president in the history of the United States. The Carter malaise has become the Obama malaise…..

So how about this.  I started this post a few days ago and now as we all know speaker Boner has betrayed us. Yes, that is his name to me from now on he is only good for about an hour use and then he’s useless. It really is time him for him to go…. 

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